What is Spiritual Direction?

In spiritual direction, two people journey together - one holding space for the other as they share parts of their story and explore a deeper connection with God.  Spiritual direction is a space where the Spirit of God is present and where the person sharing feels safe to grieve, ask hard questions, and celebrate, knowing that they have a companion who will listen and ask good questions that help point them back to Jesus over and over again.

Spiritual direction isn’t counseling, mentoring, coaching, or discipleship.

All of these are good and helpful, but they serve different purposes.

  • Counseling focuses on the deep work of unpacking the past and working toward healing. 

  • Mentoring focuses on sharing expertise and helping someone by showing them what has worked for you. 

  • Coaching focuses on setting goals and gaining momentum as you move forward. 

  • Discipleship focuses on apprenticing the way someone does something.  

Spiritual direction varies from these as it explores a person’s journey with God. A Spiritual Director, or companion, walks along the path of life with you, offering compassionate listening, as together you observe and name the ways you are noticing, and at times not noticing, God in your life.

Are you interested in working together?

Fill out this form to begin the process.