True Rest

News, weather, controversy, conspiracy - it is all at our fingertips 24/7, 365 days a year.

There is no shortage of data for us to read, discuss, and post about. And yet, our brains and bodies need a break. We are not meant to hold every piece of knowledge at once. It isn't possible. We can't function that way.  

I think, at times, we experience a similar data overload when it comes to following Jesus. There are so many expectations about what we should do or how we should do it. There are so many articles, books, and videos about the right way or best way - and sometimes that creates pressure to perform and can leave us feeling overwhelmed.  

Should we join a weekly Bible study, do a yearly Bible reading plan, fast once a week, attend church twice a week, join a small group, host dinners at our house once a week, have family devotions every day, journal, spend time in silence and solitude, pray for 30 minutes a day, practice Sabbath.

It is true that many wonderful formation practices have roots going back as far as we can see, and Jesus demonstrates many of them for us. It is also true that these practices are not about performance but about transformation. They are tools to help us slow down and be with Jesus. They are tools to help us notice the Holy Spirit in our lives. They are tools to help soften our rough edges and grow in love.

When these practices feel like a burden, we need to pause and consider why. Are we trying to do too many of them simultaneously because we think that is what is expected? Has our season changed, and do our practices need to change, too? Being with Jesus isn't meant to be a burden.  

Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unformed rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll live freely and lightly." 

Pause and read those verses again. What is the Holy Spirit bringing to your attention today as you read these words? Take a deep breath and sit with Jesus for a few minutes, resting in his love for you.  

We are unique people with unique stories. Jesus meets us where we are and doesn't require us to jump through hoops to be with him. Each day, each season, he invites us close, reminds us that he loves us, and walks with us through every high and low. His Spirit is with us, leading and guiding us day by day.

Transformation comes not from knowing all the data or having all the answers but from walking with Jesus and being willing to learn and grow throughout our lives.  


~  Melissa


Looking Ahead


Awe & Wonder